About Us

UQ Solutions provides data and strategy tools
to help colleges and universities
align the
value they offer with the opportunities that today’s students, and tomorrow’s, desire and need.

This makes college a better value for students, and a better business for colleges and universities.

Seth Houston




senior consultant

Jess Howell




Lucas Wisnieski


As a higher education leader...

you know all too well that recent years have been challenging for higher education. 

A central reason is this: too often, colleges and universities have been slow to adapt to the rapidly changing set of challenges, and opportunities, that students face today. 

Many academic leaders know that changes need to be made, but aren’t sure which direction to take. Change is difficult, and launching new programs expensive—not to mention risky. 

UQ Solutions helps colleges and universities, just like yours, identify the highest-potential new program opportunities that can drive growth at your institution. We also help guide management decisions for your current programs. Finally, we help you understand the changing job market, and how that impacts demand for academic programs. 

Why UQ? We bring together our rich experience in higher education, our obsession with business strategy, and our data acumen to create the best tools on the planet to support data-informed decision-making at colleges and universities. Our ultimate goal is to expand access to opportunity, both for students and the colleges and universities that serve them. Seth Houston, our CEO, explains:


Dr. Seth Houston

Founder and CEO


MBA, UCLA Anderson 
DMA, USC Thornton

I founded UQ Solutions after a rewarding early career in higher education, first at Carroll University, and then at the University of California, Irvine. While I loved my work, I often felt that we didn’t have the data we needed to make the decisions we needed to make. When I went on to get my MBA, I became fascinated by business strategy, and how to adapt its insights for higher education. I also became interested in large datasets (having been a math geek in my younger years) and dove deep into IPEDS, BLS, and the ACS.

These three elements of my background came together in my vision for UQ. And they allowed me to develop a tool that delivers key insights, drawn from large datasets, filtered through business strategy concepts, and tailored to the decision-making needs of academic leaders. My goals are still the same as they have been for my entire career: helping students achieve their dreams, and building better institutions to help them do so.

It has been such a joy to share our Market Analyzer with colleges and universities across the country, and to see the impact it is starting to have. We are excited about bringing this wonderful tool to more schools—maybe yours—and developing our next two tools as well: one for optimizing financial performance, and one for student success.

Thank you for visiting us here at UQ Solutions.

Please, make yourself comfortable, take a look around, and download our free New Programs Checklist. Better yet, drop us a note at the email address below, or schedule a call. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

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