New Program Checklist

The landscape of opportunity that college students will face is rapidly changing. Students know this, and in many cases are talking with their feet—choosing different programs, or even different colleges—faster than colleges and universities can adapt. This new programs checklist can help guide your programming decisions.

UQ Solutions helps colleges and universities align the value they offer with the changing opportunities that today’s students are seeking. Put another way, we help schools increase their enrollment by offering the programs that today’s—and tomorrow’s—students desire and need. Launching new programs is central to this effort.

Launching new programs, however, can be expensive, time-consuming, and risky. Many new programs do not attract the students that were expected, and end up being a drain on the institution instead of a boost. In some cases, it would have been better not to have offered the new program at all.

These risks can be mitigated, however, and performance made more predictable, if certain questions are asked—and answered—before a decision is made to launch. Even better, asking these questions can help you identify the highest-potential new program growth opportunities—for your institution in your markets.

What are the key questions? And what metrics best answer them? We have broken it down into a checklist of six. We discuss each in detail, and we put it all together in a rubric to help you synthesize the results into actionable recommendations.

Ready to discover the best new programs to drive growth at your institution? Click Here to download the New Programs Checklist.

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